Winter in Ontario brings not just the chill in the air but also the often-overlooked opportunity to cut down on water bills. With the right strategies, you can make significant savings, ensuring a more economical and environmentally friendly household. In this post, we’ll explore practical tips to reduce your water usage and save money this winter season.

1. Insulate Water Pipes: A Simple Start

Start by insulating your water pipes. Insulation is key during Ontario winters. It’s a simple yet effective way to prevent heat loss, ensuring that you use less energy to heat water. This not only saves money on water bills but also indirectly reduces your water usage as you’ll spend less time running taps to get hot water.

2. Leaks: Your Hidden Enemy

Check for leaks regularly. A leaky faucet or a running toilet can waste a shocking amount of water. Even a small drip can add up to gallons of wasted water over a month. Fixing leaking pipes promptly not only saves water but also prevents potential damage to your home.

3. Upgrade to Low-Flow Fixtures

Investing in low-flow showerheads, toilets, and faucets can significantly reduce your water consumption. These fixtures are designed to use significantly less water without sacrificing performance. This simple switch can reduce your water usage by up to 50%.

4. Efficient Appliance Use: Washers and Dishwashers

Wait until you have a full load before running your washing machine or dishwasher. This reduces the number of cycles you run, hence, saving water. Also, consider upgrading to energy-efficient models that use less water and energy.

5. Shower Smartly

Shower Smartly and Save Money on Water Bill

Showers typically use less water than baths, but their efficiency depends on duration. Limit your shower time and consider shutting off the water while soaping up. This habit can lead to substantial water savings over time and help you save money on your water bills, especially in winter.

6. Harvest and Reuse Water

Collecting rainwater for outdoor use is a great way to reduce tap water usage. Also, reusing greywater from activities like washing vegetables can be an effective method to water your indoor plants.

7. Winter-Specific Water Saving Tips

During winter, it’s also important to control the use of hot water, which is often overused. Insulate your home to maintain warmth, which reduces the need for constant hot water heating. Additionally, check outdoor irrigation systems and adjust them according to winter needs.

8. Educate and Involve Your Family

Water conservation is a collective effort. Educate your family members, especially children, about the importance of saving water. Simple practices like turning off the tap while brushing your teeth can have a big impact on your Ontario water bill.

9. Regular Maintenance: A Proactive Approach

Regular maintenance of your plumbing system can prevent problems before they start. Have a plumbing professional in Ontario check your system annually to ensure that it is working efficiently.


Reducing your water bill this winter in Ontario is about making conscious choices and adopting sustainable practices. By implementing these tips, not only will you see a decrease in your bills, but you’ll also contribute to conserving this vital resource. Let’s all play our part in this important endeavor.