There are so many different types of drainage systems in Toronto it can be difficult to figure out which is best for you. The first step is to do your research and learn all that you can about all the different products out there. Understanding what each drainage system is, how they work and what are some of the do’s and don’ts can really make a difference in your home.

What Is A Weeping Tile Drain System?

Let’s start with the basics: what exactly is a weeping tile system? Weeping tiles are a porous pipe that is used to collect underground water and safely remove it from your home and prevent water damage. They have several names, known as drain tile, perimeter tile, corrugated drain pipe, and even “ag pipe”. Water in the soil surrounding a building’s foundation flows into the weeping tiles which then directs the water into a pipe that leads to a sump pump where it is pumped out.

The Best Kinds of Weeping Tile

How do you know what kind of weeping tile is going to be best? The truth is there are a lot of different types of products out there. The key isn’t so much that one specific product is going to be better than others, but what makes a weeping tile system great. Our plumbers know that to be effective, your best weeping tile systems depends on five critical factors:

  • Having a design that is basically clog-resistant
  • The ability to drain water from leaking walls effectively
  • The system should not be reliant on a filter fabric
  • Requires a large outlet that drains to a sump pit
  • The drainage system shouldn’t cause structural damage to your home.

When it comes to installing weeping tile drainage systems in Toronto, here are a few Do’s and Don’ts to talk to your plumber about:

  • Do: Install your weeping tile system outside of the “mud zone”. If the weeping tile is set up in the mud zone, it will eventually clog the drain.
  • Don’t: Do not leave any kind of gap along the perimeter of the basement floor.
  • Do: Try and include a wall flange with the drain that extends above the floor by 3/8”. This will help protect your drainage channel from dirt and debris.
  • Do: You MUST install a basement sump pump, otherwise the water will just collect in your basement.
  • Don’t: Make sure you don’t set up your weeping tile system along the foundation’s exterior.
  • Do: You can actually save a lot of money by installing the system on the inside, instead of the exterior. Instead of having to dig up the soil around your home, you can do it from the inside instead.
  • Do: Hire a professional. With the incredible independence that technology has provided us with, there are still some things that you’re going to need a professional plumber in Toronto for. In order to make sure it’s done properly and you don’t end up accidentally making things worse, hire a professional here.
  • Don’t: Don’t use generic PVC weeping tile. It’s easy to want to save the money on the cheaper materials but the newer systems have really improved and it will be faster and better quality.

Weeping tile drainage systems in Toronto might seem complicated, but in truth, they’re pretty simple. Once you have an understanding of how they work, it makes things a lot easier. Talk to your plumber, find out if this is the right drainage system for you.